Another day, another mass shooting in the United States. The frequency of mass shootings in this country has increased at such an alarming rate, it can sometimes feel hopeless. It's easy to become desensitized, but if we're ever going to see an end to gun violence in America, we'll need to take action.
Not sure where to start? Here are seven things you can do right now:
If you haven't already, register to vote. If you're already registered, encourage others to do the same. Got a graduating teen? Show them and their friends how easy it is to register, then help them do it.
Get educated about where local and national candidates stand on gun safety measures and vote for candidates with a plan to work to end gun violence. With the presidential election coming up, research primary candidates' stances on gun safety and vote accordingly.
Get involved with and/or donate to one of the incredible organizations working to end gun violence in the United States. Volunteer with organizations like Moms Demand Action, Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility, Everytown for Gun Safety, Wear Orange, Grandmothers Against Gun Violence and March for Our Lives.
Call your representatives. It's easy to think Washington is a leader when it comes to enacting gun safety legislation in our state, but there's still work to do. Make sure your local representatives and state senators know where you stand. Washington ranked No. 1 for state-candidate contributions from the NRA in 2018. According to a Seattle Times report, "Washington state-level candidates collected more money from the gun-rights organization than any other state in recent years."
Learn about companies that donate to the NRA, and shop elsewhere. A good place to start is Guns Down America's #disarmbanks campaign.
Support candidates running on gun violence prevention this summer and vote for them this fall. Learn more about the candidates.
Talk to family and friends about gun violence and be sure to just ask about guns in any home your child will visit.