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12 Picture Books to Strengthen Your Child’s Social Skills

Teach them about manners, communication and more with these books


Published on: July 14, 2021

12 Picture Books to Strengthen Your Child’s Social Skills

Young girl and young boy pointing

Talk about tattling

When kids see a sibling or friend breaking the rules, they want there to be consequences. It’s only fair, right? Except sometimes they start complaining about Every. Little. Thing. that happens when a grown-up’s back is turned.

If you have a child who loves to file grievances all day long, read them one of these books about tattling and display some handy printables (such as this one or this one) on the wall for daily reference.

A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue” by Julia Cook

Josh tattles so much on everyone around him (including his dog!) that he’s earned the nickname “Josh the Tattler.” One day, he develops a case of “tattle tongue,” which ultimately helps him learn the essential difference between “tattling” and “telling.” 

Don’t Squeal Unless It’s a Big Deal: A Tale of Tattletales” by Jeanie Franz Ransom

Mrs. McNeal’s students have a problem with tattling, but she teaches them to recognize when they should try to solve their problems themselves and when they really need to ask for a grown-up’s help (i.e., in an emergency).

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