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Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea

Last days to view the eye-poppingly compelling Washed Ashore exhibit, featuring 10 fish, birds and marine animals, including a sea horse sculpture created just for the Zoo.

See mesmerizing works of art and learn about how humans affect the ocean. Take the message of “reduce, reuse, recycle” to heart. Single-use plastics, such as bags and bottles, often escape the landfill and recycling bins and instead end up in the ocean, where seals, fish and birds can ingest them or become entangled.

Event Details

  • When

    No upcoming dates scheduled
  • Price

    Included with admission ($7.95–$17.95; ages 2 and under free) or membership
  • Recommended Ages

    All ages
  • Venue

    Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

    5400 N Pearl St
    Tacoma, WA 98407-3224
    United States