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Under Pressure: 8 Instant Pot Recipes and Tips

It’s the hottest kitchen gadget around and cuts time while maximizing taste

Published on: September 26, 2018

Under Pressure: 8 Instant Pot Recipes and Tips

Amy + Jacky

Safety 101

We’ve all heard about a pressure cooker horror story in which food erupted out of the pot, splattering everything including the ceiling — or worse — burning someone. Have no fear! According to recipe developers Amy + Jacky the Instant Pot has 10 different safety mechanisms. In this post, they walk you through the basics to use your appliance safely.

Next, you might want to check out Amy and Jacky’s post “10 Common Mistakes You Can Avoid as a New User.” There are a lot of buttons on that pot! Mistakes happen, and Amy and Jacky offer great tips to avoid rookie errors.

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