7 Nearby Campgrounds for Seattle-Area Families to Reserve Now

The pirate-themed playground at Fay Bainbridge State Park is a bonus for families with young children. Photo: Allison Sutcliffe
Fay Bainbridge Park Campground, Bainbridge Island
Just a short ferry ride away, Fay Bainbridge Park is an easily accessible marine campground for Seattle-area families in search of summer adventure. The 17 spacious campsites for tent camping are set back in the trees, just a short walk away from the shoreline, where Mount Rainier, Mount Baker and the Space Needle seem to appear out of nowhere on sunny days. RV and cabin camping options are also available. The big draw at this Washington campground for families is the pirate-themed playground where kids can climb, explore and imagine for hours each day.
As this is a popular camping destination for Puget Sound families, a weekday stay is encouraged during the busy summer season. If luck isn’t on your side, continue west (off the island) to Kitsap Memorial State Park where 19 campsites, hiking and biking trails, and equally stunning views await.
Next stop: Camano Island