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The Woman Who Saved Thousands From Cabin Fever

A note from our associate editor for Family Adventure Guide Winter 2017

Published on: October 25, 2017

Happy kid hiking

I can’t take credit for the fabulous issue you have in your hands.

The stories you’ll find — from best swimming pools to a winter-worthy bucket list — are the vision of our former managing editor, Elisa Murray.

In the five years Elisa worked at ParentMap before becoming managing editor she manned ParentMap’s Out + About section. You know, just the section that thousands of local families turn to every month for where to go and what to do.

Elisa Murray
Former managing editor Elisa Murray

The depth of Elisa’s knowledge about the Pacific Northwest floored me time and again. This woman just knew when certain hikes were at their peak and others weren’t worth the trip. She could list off museum exhibits like a curator and pumpkin patches like a pro. I’m confident that she saved many a parent from going completely stir crazy, probably multiple times.

Earlier this summer, Elisa announced she was leaving ParentMap to focus on new projects. We were sad, of course, but we knew this meant she would finally get a chance to have the adventures she’d been writing about for years.

She deserves them.

So Elisa, if you’re reading this: First, please feel free to send me line edits and second, we wish you the very best on your own family adventures.

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