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FUN giveaway: SCT, B-shoot and NW Trek tix!

Published on: December 30, 2013

In honor of the Labor Day weekend and back-to-school and the beginning of September, we've got three stellar giveaways to bestow on a few lucky readers.

Business in the front: You have to be an e-news subscriber to win (the Giveaway Queen can tell), and emailing us ( is the way to get our attention (we get sad when we see readers try to win by commenting here).

Party in the back:

1. Win one of 6 passes, each one good for two admissions, to Seattle Children's Theatre's sweet, smart and funny The Green Sheep (onstage through Sept. 12). Email us ( and put "Sheep" in the subject line.

2. We have Saturday, Sunday and Monday passes to Bumbershoot! Email us ( quick like a bunny so we can get them to you by Friday -- we'd like to put them in the mail today! -- and tell us (a) which day you'd like to go, (b) how many are in your party (limit 4 per winner) and (c) whether your party includes any kids ages 10 and younger (kids 10 and younger don't need a ticket). Put "Bshoot" in the subject line.

3. We have a family 4-pack of passes to Northwest Trek to give away! Use them for the Get Out of the Rut event this weekend, or anytime before March 31, 2011. Email us ( and put "Trek" in the subject line.

4. Finally, details on a great deal for PM readers: Get a $40 flex pass to see six StoryBook Theater shows in Kirkland, Renton or Seattle (tickets are usually $9 each).  To get your deal, call 425-820-1800 by Oct. 15 and mention code "PMFall."

Good luck, and have a good Labor Day weekend!

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