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Giveaway: Two Pairs of Tickets to See 'Beyond Measure'

This pioneering film asks a new set of questions about educational success

Author Elisa Murray

Published on: October 12, 2016

Enter to win one of two pairs of tickets to a film screening that will change how you view America's education crisis. The film Beyond Measure asks a new set of questions about educational success: What if our education system valued personal growth over test scores? Inquiry over mimicry? Passion over rankings? What if we decided that the purpose of school was not the transmission of facts or formulas, but the transformation of every student? 

We are giving away a pair of tickets for each of two screenings: One held October 26, 2016, at SIFF Cinema Uptown in Seattle; and one on Thursday, November 10, 2016, at Stroum Jewish Community Center on Mercer Island.

How to enter to win two tickets to Beyond Measure

To enter to win, please provide your email address and ZIP code in the fields below.

This giveaway ends at 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 14, 2016. ParentMap’s ultra-benevolent Giveaway Queen will contact the lucky winner soon after the giveaway ends.

*By entering the giveaway, you agree to receive newsletters from ParentMap. We never sell, rent or share your email address or information. Read our giveaway rules and privacy policy for more details.

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