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Help name Woodland Park Zoo's new python

Jen Betterley

Published on: December 30, 2013


The Woodland Park Zoo needs your help in naming their new reticulated male python -- but you only have until noon on Friday, May 13, to enter! All awesome snake suggestions must be left in a comment over on the Woodland Park Zoo Facebook page. Zookeepers will decide on their top five favorite names before letting their Facebook fans make the final vote on May 17. Fun!

The snake is an 8-year-old, 100-pound, reticulated male python and zoo goers can expect to visit him over in the Daily Exhibit. Known for being the longest snake in the world, these scaly reptiles are not poisonous (though they give quite the squeeze), and normally range in length from 10-20 feet. However -- it's also been noted that some of these pythons can get up to 30 feet long and weigh up to 300 pounds! (Holy moly that's a BIG snake.)

Here are a ten fantastic possible names that have already been suggested:


Slinky (our favorite!)




Julius Squeezer (ha!)


Mr. Slithers



So what's it going to be? We like "Slinky", but it seems that "Fluffy" might be gaining momentum as the new fan favorite. See the Woodland Park Facebook page for all of the current comments and to enter your own suggestions -- and let's get that snake named!

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