LearningMap, 2011

Jen Betterley

Published on: September 27, 2011

LearningMap Cover 2011

This year, we're taking a deeper look at modern homeschooling, and how with the technology advances of today, many parents can't help but ask -- "Why not?"

But that's not all -- we've got plenty of educational goodness in store for you this year. Read on for kindergarten readiness ideas and how many new mamas- and papas-to-be are seeking out parenting education for expert tips that will help ease their way into the amazing journey that is parenthood.

In This Issue:

Homeschool Cool

Kindergarten: Ready... Or Not?

Parenting 101: How Classes Can Help

Flip through our current issue online.

We (heart) learning

As parents, we eagerly consume information about all things connected with raising and nurturing our kids: breast feeding, potty training, sleeping through the night.

We want to know what to feed our children; how to treat their earaches, baby-proof our homes and discipline our tweens.

At ParentMap, we’re proud to present the best, the latest and the most relevant details on events, activities and everything else you ever wanted to know about kids — infants through teens.

But few topics pique our interest the way education does. You might say our heart belongs to learning.

In this issue of LearningMap, you’ll find out how homeschooling has taken off in a whole new way (“Homeschool cool”); that most of us could use some top-notch parent prep (“Learning to parent: How classes can help”); and that expectations for kindergartners have risen considerably over the last decade (“Kindergarten: Ready or not?”).

You’ll also find an extensive list of resources, including day cares, independent schools, special needs support, tutoring and more.

Read on — and enjoy this special publication!

— Linda Morgan, managing editor

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