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Low Tide Beach Scavenger Hunt for Seattle-Area Families

9 fascinating sea creatures to search for on any Puget Sound beach

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Published on: February 06, 2024

Low Tide Beach Scavenger Hunt for Seattle-Area Families

Two purple sea starts on a rock at a tide pool in Seattle
Purple sea stars

1. Sea star

You might be accustomed to calling these creatures “starfish,” but the term is a misnomer — sea stars aren’t fish at all. They’re invertebrates with tough skin and soft undersides. Blood stars are bright red or orange and easy to spot, but keep a look out for ochre sea stars, too.

Why they’re cool: Sea stars move around by using tiny suction-cupped tube feet — their suction is strong, so we recommend you don’t touch the underside of a sea star. Kids might be impressed to know that sea stars can regenerate their limbs.

Up next: sea anemone

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