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Music Review: Groove Kid Nation "The Wheels on the Bus"


Published on: December 30, 2013

groovekidnationGet ready to get funky with Groove Kid Nation! Their new upbeat album “The Wheels on the Bus” includes classic children’s songs with a few originals like “Soul Clap” and “Bud the Bird”, and will have you groovin’ and feeling like the cool kid that you are. The album aims to introduce kids to various instruments through familiar songs including “Froggy Went A Courtin’” and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” while presenting fresh arrangements that make each song feel entirely new. This CD surprised me! I love the new approach to the well-worn songs and appreciate the nod to education with “The ABC song” and “The Inch Worm” plus the clear focus on instrument sounds. This album is unlike any other in our collection and is a breath of fresh air for any rainy day dance party. Best for kids under 6.

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