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Music Review: Putumayo Kids Presents Acoustic Dreamland


Published on: December 30, 2013

acousticdreamland1I think that a bedtime routine for kids is critical. As someone who was kid-induced sleep-deprived for years, I hold dearly to bedtime routine. Lights low, books read, snuggles, and bedtime music are what works for us. A new bedtime album recently came out from Putumayo Kids called “Acoustic Dreamland”, and I think it is well worth picking up. Each song is sung by a different artist (including Elizabeth Mitchell and Frances England) resulting in a varied, yet cohesive album. Mellow, sweet, and relaxing is how I would describe it. One could almost have a facial while listening this – certainly you could drift off to a nap with your kids tucked warmly under your arm. With titles like “The Hour of Sleep”, “In the Land of Dreams” and “Dreamland” you can imagine the dreamy lyrics and sleepy message. Grab this album and get yourself and your kids set up for a good night of sleep. All ages.

Best time to listen: during that final hour of puzzles, books and brushing of teeth or after the lights are out.

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