Summer Swimming: Outdoor Pools and Water Parks in Seattle, Tacoma and Beyond
Photo: Peter Kirk Pool
Eastside outdoor pools
Peter Kirk Pool, Kirkland
Open: Summer season June 3–Sept. 2, 2024
Water temp: 86 degrees (outdoor pool and wading pool)
Overview: Located in the heart of downtown Kirkland, this large, L-shaped pool features a deep area with a low diving board that bigger kids will enjoy. For tots: A separate wading pool for young kids is open during all public swims, and there are special “wading-pool only” sessions for kids ages 6 and younger and their caregivers. See the schedule on the website for public swim times.
Reservations: Register for swim lessons or reserve the pool at the website.
Henry Moses Aquatic Center, Renton
Open: Summer season June 22–Sept. 2, 2024
Water temp: Lap pool 85 degrees, activity pool 85 degrees
Overview: Prepare yourself for lots of water excitement with the 26-feet-high orange-and-blue water slides, the lazy river, wave machine and island lagoon. Shark Bites Café offers beverages and snacks. For tots: There is zero-depth entry to a water play structure, toddler water area, and numerous spray features. Half Pint Splash ‘n’ Play sessions are just for kids ages 6 months to 5 years, with a caregiver.
Tips: Book online for one of two daily swim sessions: noon–3 p.m. and 4–7 p.m. Water toys are not allowed during leisure swim sessions. Call 425-430-6780 to check on pool closures.
Reservations: Reserve your swim time online now. Make sure to book in advance!
Next up: South Sound outdoor swimming pools