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Passport giveaway: Giant Magnet, CATS and a Nintendo DS game!

Published on: December 30, 2013

You may be giantmagnetreading this and thinking, two Passport giveaways in one week??, and you'd be right to wonder. But this is actually next week's giveaway; it's just that I'll be on vacation then so I'm lining things up a little early.

So...check out the giveaways for April 28 --  it's like peering into the future! -- subscribe if you haven't already (must subscribe to win), and then shoot us an email (can't win by commenting here). Prizes won't be awarded until after April 28.

1. Giant Magnet tix: We have a family 4-pack to give away to this hot performance festival, which opens at Seattle Center on May 11. To win, email us ( your mailing address and put "magnet" in the subject line.cats

2. Vaudeville/CATS tix: We have tickets to Applause Players' tribute to Vaudeville and CATS at the Wade James Theatre in Edmonds for this weekend (May 1-2). Email us ( your mailing address and put "CATS" in the subject line.

3. Nintendo DS game: Finally, we gots a game based on Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland movie. Want it? Email us ( and put "Alice game" in the subject line.

Good luck. We'll return to our regularly scheduled giveaways in May.

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