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Raves: Stuff we love

Published on: November 01, 2009

Cool catch-all
… and I do mean all! If you’ve got kids, you’ve got stuff. Now you’ve got a gorgeous way to haul it around. Designed by a Bellevue mom, Merin Totes are roomy, sturdy and waterproof on the bottom, with lots of awesome (waterproof) pockets, so your Real Simple stays real dry. Available in five color combinations. $88.

Babies go goo-goo for big black-and-white designs, so these reusable wall decals are real babe magnets! Each Wall­candy Arts “Smarts” pack includes more than 50 movable stickers for decorating nursery walls; as baby gets older, pop photos of loved ones into special “frames.” $24.99.

Butty buddy
Soft, gentle and very, very green, these new wipes from Elements Naturals are so eco-friendly, they’re compostable (the only compostable wipes on the market!). Baby Bunch lollipopMade from chemical-free, human-made fiber (100 percent natural renewable resources), these wipes play nice with the environment (and take 68 percent fewer fossil-fuel resources to make than traditional wipes). $5.95.

Good lolly
Here’s a sweet little gift idea: Top a gift with an adorable romper, packaged to look just like a lollipop! Available in three colors, the 100 percent cotton romper is sold individually or in bunches. From $9.95; BabyBunch.

I’ll take mine to go
If only I could wear my bed! Your baby can, thanks to the new Merino Kids Baby Sleep Bag, an adorable sleeping bag with a difference. The lush, thick bag is lined with 100 percent silky Merino wool to keep baby warm and dry; outer layer is 100 percent cotton. $119.

Freckles, HannahSay my name
Write your child’s name in the stars with this one-of-a-kind gift! Each page in these colorful books is a photo with your child’s name spelled out inventively and realistically in the scene: In stones on the beach; in ladybugs on a leaf; in the clouds and in the stars. A truly special keepsake and a great way for little ones just learning to spell their name. $19.95/paperback; $34.95/hardback; Frecklebox.

— Kristen Russell Dobson


Get hippy wit’ it
Hey, we know what it’s like trying to get things done with a sticky li’l critter glued to your side. Enter the new mom’s companion, Cooking with a Baby on Your Hip, a cookbook — yes! — but so much more. Like a cozy chat with an experienced mom friend, this book offers ideas, a few laughs and lots of encouragement. Proudly distributed by ParentMap; ideal for expectant moms.

You can win a free copy! Just email us your mailing address by Nov. 1; be sure to put “hip” in the subject line.


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