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Reducing plastic in your kitchen

Published on: December 30, 2013

Recently there’s been some concern over phthalates (pronounced “thah-lates”) and Bisphenol A (also known as BPA) found in kids’bottles, sippy cups, flatware and dishes. Both, phthalates and BPA are chemical compounds used to make plastic moldable.


Yeah. Me neither.


About a year ago, my husband and I began reducing the amount of plastic that came in contact with our childrens’ innards. The transition required a small investment, but was easily accomplished.


Here’s how we did it: First, we swapped ­­­­­­­­our plastic plates for Corelle Dinnerware (now available in dozens of cute, kid-friendly, and even hip patterns from Amazon). Next, we replaced our kids’ trusty, plastic sippy cups with stainless steel models by Klean Kanteen. For their daily water bottles, we purchased a couple of Siggs that, I kid you not, NEVER leak and come in an array of cool colors and styles.

Now, if only we had the budget to switch all 3, 524 plastic toys we own to wooden creations constructed and painted in the good ol’ U.S. of A.

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