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12 Secret Gardens for Seattle-Area Kids and Families

A unique bee garden, a hidden Japanese garden and more fun nature spots around Seattle, Bellevue and South Sound

Published on: June 27, 2023

12 Secret Gardens for Seattle-Area Kids and Families

Highline Seatac botanical garden seattle puget sound area gardens for kids and families
Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden

Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden

The heart of Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden is Elda Behm’s Paradise Garden. Elda Behm was an award-winning landscape designer, horticulturist and flower arranger. Her original garden was condemned to make way for the Port of Seattle’s third runway expansion at Sea-Tac International Airport. Fortunately, it was saved and re-created by relocating thousands of Behm’s plants (which she had grown from seeds and cuttings) to the new Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden. 

Within this paradise you will find a series of water features, including ponds and waterfalls that empty into a 100-foot stream. If you visit the garden in spring, you’ll see large bearded irises and rhododendrons in full bloom.

Location: 13735 24th Ave. S., SeaTac

Next stop: Hilltop gem

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