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Survive the Seattle Teachers' Strike!

Top resources for strike news, child care, activities for kids and more

nicole persun headshot pinto portrait

Published on: September 10, 2015

In light of the teacher strike happening in Seattle, we've compiled a list of resources for news, child care, activities to occupy your kiddos and more. 

The Seattle Education Association, the "voice of Seattle public schools educators," has been posting updates and information concerning the strike. 

Education Voters has a great factual primer with background about education funding in the state, as well as teacher pay, strike info and talking points.

Here's a helpful Q&A about the strike from KiroTV

If Twitter is more your speed, check out the #spsstrike feed.

 Homeschooling during the strike? Check out these tips for a veteran. has a petition calling for a fair and reasonable agreement. 

Seattle Parents Support Staff Facebook group has helpful links and support for Seattle teachers and parents. 

Get involved and help the teachers stay well fed through the Facebook group Soup for Teachers

More Support (and Soup) on Facebook. 


What to do with your children while Seattle teachers strike, from the Seattle Times, is a great overall resource. 

Free camps are being offer at Seattle community centers; to register online, go to the Seattle Parks and Recreation website (SPARC): , login, and then search for "strike" in the keyword field in the advanced search.

Seattle Schools has a great list, by school and program. 

The Seattle Children's Theatre has a strike day camp going on for as long as the strike continues, while Seattle's Littlest Performers is opening theater camps, and Wedgewood Drama has full day camps open, too. 

Seattle Public Library has regular programming through the strike, and is open to host any students affected by the strike.

The Pacific Science Center also has strike day camps. 

Glass camp? How cool! Marcia Wiley has 1-5 day camps going on through the strike to help families scrambling for childcare. 

Seattle Parks and Recreation has camps as well.  

Creative Coding 4 Kids has camps for little scientists

Little Explorers is open as well for fans of nature. 

TGA is offering tennis and golf camps for sporty students. 

Sylvan is offering day camps as well, so children can get a jump-start on their education for this school year. 

During the strike, the YMCA has Back to School camps available. 

Here's a more extensive list of drop-in childcare around Puget Sound. 

If you would rather not go the child care route or hire a babysitter, here are some creative alternatives


Looking for indoor play spaces? We've got you covered with more than 60 of them. 

Use this no-school time to do some upcycle crafts

Got a science nerd who was looking forward to science class this week? Here are 10 easy experiments to do at home, 13 science apps to try, top 10 geek outings for kids and families, fun astronomy crafts, plus Family STEM Day at LeMay

Don't lose out on education while the teachers strike. Here are 15 fun educational apps to occupy your little ones while school is out. 

If your kiddo likes LEGOs, get them ready for math class with these fun activities. 

There's also an Instagram feed at #insteadofschool for activities and at-home solutions while school is out.


#MomOnStrike logs daily observations, including why the dreaded ice-cream truck guy should go on strike immediately.

On the eve of a Seattle teacher strike, a mother wishes for a state that serves all children. 

Why Strike? 


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