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Weekend family update: The Wiz (Rock)

Published on: December 30, 2013

My 8-year-old daughter just finished her first Harry Potter book. The book-release mania of years past flew right by her; sure, she stood in line with her older brother at The Secret Garden in Ballard last summer to buy our copy of the very last book! in the series! -- but she really didn't get what all the fuss was about, and I've always preferred to let my kids discover the pleasures of certain books in their own good time. A couple of weeks ago, she pried a much-abused copy of "The Sorcerer's Stone" from behind her brother's desk, and she was off.

I bring that up because WizRock band The Parselmouths are at the University Book Store in Seattle tonight at 7 p.m. for the release party of Vashon-based Alas, Earwax's new CD. Pottermania died down a bit after the release of the last book, but WizRock bands (with names like "magic! at the dormitory" and "them-who-shall-not-be-named") (heh) are still making their geeky-in-a-good-way music with no end in sight. And there will always be new little Potterheads coming up who find the idea of rock bands based on a fictional universe very amusing. (Yeah, we'll be there.)

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