Leaning into the roots of Summer Fest, we’re going back to the deep West Seattle beginnings as the foundation of this year’s festival. The old guard West Seattleites will remember merchants merrily filling tables loaded down with deep discounts and one-of-a-kind treasures on tables lining the streets.
This year we’ll go way back to the ’60s bringing back the Sidewalk Sales (no street closures) July 9 and 10, lining California Ave with goods from the merchants, plus local and handmade artisans.
We’ll continue to monitor all health regulations and sincerely hope the Junction merchants can show appreciation of the outpouring of community support by bringing you a combination of the good ol' fashioned roots of the festival - The Sidewalk Sale - along with the popular boxes and tote bags full of Summer Fest feelings. There are going to be plenty of ways to celebrate all the West Seattle goodness we’ve stored up through this pandemic.
We are planning (and hopeful) we will rise like a vaccinated Westside phoenix to bring back Summer Fest stronger than ever July 15th - 17th, 2022 (this being the 40 year anniversary of the Street Fair too!).
Summer Fest is for the kiddos! A Summer Fest tote bag filled to the brim with all the joy of the festival. The kids' Summer Fest tote bag will have two crafts, including a balloon animal kit, sidewalk chalk, treats from the Junction, books, puzzles, and bubbles (we'll certainly miss BubbleMan this year). $35