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Free Concert: A Concert Of Love

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A concert of Love Poster from Rainbow Missions

Rainbow Missions are thrilled to announce a DIY charity fundraising concert organized by a few high school teenagers. This concert is completely free of admission charge. These teenagers heard about the poor conditions and difficulties of people with disabilities and orphans in China. They know the needs are huge. They are inspired by the work Rainbow Missions is doing in China and their hearts are deeply touched. They want to do something for the needs in China. So they came up with the idea of a fundraising concert to help. They want to touch the hearts of the guests with the musical talent that God has given them. They want to open up the hearts and pockets of the guests while they are enjoying the music. The target fundraising amount for this event is $7,500. With the funding, Rainbow Missions can provide appropriate treatments, education for children with cerebral palsy and arrange professionals to provide suitable training and advice to the teachers and workers in China.
It is worth mentioning that these talented teenagers have won different musical international awards. Angela got first prize in an international music competition. Robert is the winner of the Seattle International Piano Competition. Arthur, the youngest of them, got first prize at the Classic Vienna Festival. Alex is the champion of the 2016 Northwest Chopin Festival. It is a great performance that you will not want to miss! They will also share why they organize this fundraising activity.

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