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Kids & Race: Changing the Narrative

Calendar/Event Details


Race still matters in America today. How can we raise children who go beyond the superficial notion of colorblindness to see and challenge the ways that privilege still shapes our lives? How can parents prepare to seize the teachable moments that arise when we least expect them?

Join us for this 2.5 hour workshop specially suited for preschool through elementary age children and their parents. Children and parents have separate programs to engage them. Snacks will be provided for the children.

This workshop will focus on identity development and cultural norms. Early childhood educator Jason Frelot and pastor Darla DeFrance will present on how narratives and counter-narratives shape our children's personal and racial identity development.

This workshop series is a co-sponsored project with The Well and Columbia City Church of Hope.

Registration fees are $15 per family (one ticket covers one family), or however much you are able to pay.

Event Details

  • When

    No upcoming dates scheduled
  • Price

    $15/family or pay what you can
  • Recommended Ages

    Families with preschool–elementary age children.
  • Venue

    Columbia City Church of Hope

    3818 S Angeline St
    Seattle, WA 98118-1712
    United States