Your ticket price includes 2 glasses of wine, nibbles, and an evening of encouragement for doing the hardest job ever, enrichment by some amazing speakers, and connection to other great moms! And of course, raffles and shopping at some incredible women owned businesses :)
This year's theme:
Start Where You Are!
There is a cycle in our lives that we wish for something to be different, and then when it doesn't happen, we think we have failed.
We wish we fit into our last winter's clothes.
We wish our kids were exactly what we imagined them to be.
We wish our family wasn't falling off the rails.
We wish we could find a job to help family finances.
We wish we could stay home and be a full time parent.
We wish our house wasn't an embarrassing mess.
We wish we didn't stumble all the time.
We wish we were better at mothering.
We wish we could do it all, perfectly.
That's totally not true!
Wishing is fishing without a fishing line, bait, and the body of water! We can't wish for fish while we sit on a mountain of dirt, so let's STOP wishing and let's START choosing and doing!