We want to invite all families and friends to our Soccer Shots Winter Fun Day on Thursday, January 26th! Enjoy your weekday morning or afternoon by watching your child engage in a soccer program that focuses on character development and foundational soccer skills. Our caring coaches positively impacts children’s lives through the best-in-class coaching, communication and curriculum.
Free Fun Day Details:
Who: All children ages 2-5 What: A Free Soccer Shots Class
Where: Green Lake Park in Seattle
When: Thursday, January 26th, 2017 with multiple class times to choose from starting at 9:30 am
How: There are three ways to reserve a spot:
1)Enroll by visiting our online reg site
2)Email us at seattle@soccershots.org with the subject Free Class.
3)Call or text us at 763-614-6215 or 206-468-9344
You are more than welcome to invite any friends- just make sure they RSVP! Hope to see you there!
The Soccer Shots Seattle Team