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Acrobatic Conundrum presents ‘The Circus of Second Chances’

Calendar/Event Details

Acrobatic Conundrum presents "The Circus of Second Chances," featuring rope acrobatics, Cyr wheel, handbalancing, live baking, and clown. Delivering the super human nature of contemporary circus with the honesty of real humanity.

On a relentless quest for wonder, three veteran acrobats let their imaginations run wild to fulfill secret longings. Fluent in the language of circus, Acrobatic Conundrum’s principal performers melt the fourth wall to reveal their flaws and journeys to redemption. The audience plays a vital part in The Circus of Second Chances, in which ropes are dancescapes, trapezes are windows to the soul, and spinning hoops are portals to infinite possibility. In our homes we are out at sea, on our living room couch we find ourselves on an epic odyssey; so much rests upon the fate of a dozen lemons. Leveraging their long running friendships with each other, Emma Curtiss, Melissa Knowles, and Terry Crane put all their talents and quirky craftiness into this dada circus romp. They climb, cavort, invert, revert, and subvert in a capricious acrobatic tale for the ages.

Appropriate for all ages. 65 minutes.

Performers: Emma Curtiss, Melissa Knowles, and Terry Crane; Music written and performed by Kamila Nasr

Friday, June 28 - 8pm
Saturday, June 29 - 2pm & 8pm
Sunday, June 30 - 6pm

Event Details