Perfect for families looking to spend time outdoors, Agents of Discovery is a free, educational app to get youth active, engaged and learning about the world around them.
Challenges (or questions) are geo-triggered as participants walk the trail. The game is free to download and once downloaded does not require any data or WiFi to play. Download Agents of Discovery at Google Play or the App Store.
You can play all six Missions in Seattle Parks and earn a different prize for each one. Start collecting your badges today! Missions change seasonally so the fun can continue year-round.
Become a Puget Sound Explorer by completing Missions around the Sound July 29 through September 9.
All 28 partner Missions will qualify you for increasing levels of prizes. Learn more.
Current Seattle Parks and Recreation Missions can be found at these parks: Discovery Park, Carkeek Park, Camp Long
Photo: TIA International Photography