Explore the Wonderful World of Bugs
Don’t miss the chance to “bug out” during our brand-new immersive exhibit!
This larger-than-life experience features state of the art animatronic bugs that move, make noise, and promise a fun-filled adventure for everyone.
Make memories and enjoy a “selfie safari” as you encounter 15 giant critters including the Emperor Scorpion, Madagascan Sunset Moth, and the Mexican Red Knee Tarantula. There’s so much to see, and when a handful of these bugs are 15 feet in height, they’re impossible to miss!
Delve into the complex world of these fascinating animals and learn how bugs play a critical role in our everyday life. Bugs inhabit almost every corner of our planet and play an integral part in the sustainability of our world. Whether they are pollinators, decomposers, or harvesters for their respective ecosystems, these bugs are superheroes!
Read more in ParentMap's review!