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Executive Functioning Parenting Workshop

Calendar/Event Details

Parenting Workshop
Executive Functioning Skills: What’s Play Got to Do with It?

Taught by Encompass Parent & Family Engagement Coordinator Sandra “Sam” Sinanan

What exactly do we mean by “Executive Functioning”?

Essentially, Executive Functioning skills are those mental skills that help us get things done--including self-control, remembering rules, and adapting when the plan changes. Children aren’t born with these skills, but they have the potential to develop them. Problems with executive functioning are often noticed when children start school.

At this workshop, you will gain fascinating insight into these skills, which can be predictors of school readiness and success. Like all skills, executive functioning can be strengthened. There are strategies you can use at home to improve impulse control, working memory and flexible thinking. With your help and outside support, if needed, your child can learn ways to manage and work around issues with these skills.

Workshop is FREE; Please register in advance at Childcare is available, provided by the YMCA ($5; free with a family membership). No preregistration required for childcare!

Questions? Please contact Sandra “Sam” Sinanan at 425.888.2777 ext. 1226 or

Event Details