We're back for a 5th year with all new content! The Mama-logues: A comedy about motherhood, is two hours of spit-your-beer-out-funny in celebration of motherhood! It's for anyone who is a mom, has a mom or knows a mom. Local talent will perform selections from mom-tastic blogs, books, and articles by Scary Mommy, Moms Who Drink and Swear, Mom News Daily, Blunt Moms, Littles Love and Sunshine, Babysideburns, and many others! And oh yes, the song and dance pieces! Get ready fro some Frozen-themed earworms!
Beer, wine, non-alcoholic drinks and dessert will be offered for sale at the event. Bring your friends be they mamas or not! There is a little something for everyone to laugh at in this show.
All proceeds benefit the local and extremely deserving WestSide Baby (westsidebaby.org) and Open Arms Perinatal Services (openarmsps.org).
Visit www.themamalogues.org to purchase tickets.
Call 206-235-5389 for more information