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ParentEd Talks - How Fostering Spirituality Cultivates Happier, Healthier Kids

Calendar/Event Details

Join ParentMap on Nov. 1 for a fascinating talk by psychologist and New York Times–bestselling author Lisa Miller, Ph.D., on her groundbreaking exploration of the neuroscience of spirituality and its role in building an inspired life of meaning and contribution. 

Based on her newest book, “The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality and Our Quest for an Inspired Life,” Miller will detail the surprising new science of innate spirituality and how to engage it in our lives and parenting to enhance grit, optimism and resilience in ourselves and in our children — providing insulation against the ills of addiction, trauma and depression.

As a special promotion, the first 100 purchasers of the 2022–2023 ParentEd Talks series pass will receive an e-book or hardcover copy of “The Awakened Brain.” The book is also available as an add-on purchase when registering for Miller’s Nov. 1 talk. 

Win an Amazon gift card! ParentMap is giving away one $100 Amazon gift card at each ParentEd Talks event. Only attendees of the live events are eligible for the prize, and the winner will be notified via private message in Zoom at the end of each talk.

We know you’re busy. If you can’t attend the live event, you can still participate! After the event concludes, all registered attendees will be emailed a link to watch the recorded session at their convenience. By joining in the live event, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the interactive Q&A portion.

About the speaker

Award-winning psychologist and neuroscience researcher Lisa Miller, Ph.D., is the author of the best-selling title “The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality and Our Quest for an Inspired Life.” Miller is a professor in the Clinical Psychology Program at Columbia University, Teachers College, where she founded the Spirituality Mind Body Institute.

Event Details