Join us for a sunrise solar eclipse! On the morning of Saturday August 14th the moon will pass between us and the sun. The eclipse starts at 8:07 am, peaks at 9:20 am and ends at 10:39 am. At its peak the moon will be covering 84.3% of the solar disk. We will have the proper equipment to safely view the sun. Never look at the sun without proper equipment.
Solar viewing will take place on the hill behind the Rainier building. There will also be free hands-on science activities and free planetarium shows in the Science Dome starting approximately every 20 minutes starting at 8 am, until 11 am. Admission into the dome will be first come, first served. This event is rain or shine! If the weather does not cooperate, we will have a live stream of the eclipse from a sunny location inside the Rainier building.
It is not necessary to pre-reserve spots, but we ask that you please let us know you are coming so we can plan on serving the right number of people.