Learn how to get involved in a way that is as powerful as it is productive!
The City of Destiny has arrived at a crossroads. Tacoma is one of the most targeted locations in the Pacific Northwest for new fossil fuel projects, having been ranked #2 on a recent list of PNW communities most likely to see expanded coal, oil and natural-gas development. These new projects could put both our environment and economy at risk.
That’s where you come in. Tacoma is creating a long-term plan for the Port and Tideflats, and you have a part to play in it! The process will include multiple chances for your input, including a public hearing September 20th. This is our chance to create a healthier, sustainable Tacoma with an economic engine powered by the clean jobs of the future.
Join us as we break down the issue of fossil fuel expansions and discuss effective strategies to create real change. You’ll learn how to have the greatest impact possible on the fossil fuels discussion, while picking up skills that will apply to any number of issues down the road. Speakers will include staff from Citizens for a Healthy Bay as well as other groups in the Protect Tacoma’s Tideflats Coalition.
Location: University of Puget Sound Rotunda (http://bit.ly/2vmxznY)