Come One, Come All!
Join us in the bigtop for the Church of Pug's Pugoween Carnevil! It's a spooky take on classic fun!
Saturday, October 12th
Noon - 4PM
12:00 - Doors Open!
12:30 - Cake Walk #1
12:45 - Trick or Talent
1:30 - Raffle #1 Closes, Winners Announced
1:45 - Cake Walk #2
2:00 - Silent Auction 1 Closes
2:15 - Spotlight Winners Announced
2:30 - Raffle #2 Closes, Winners Announced
2:45 - Cake Walk #3
3:00 - Costume Contest
3:30 - Silent Auction #2
4:00 - Curtains Close
Big Top Attractions*:
- Beast Friends Photography for pet photos!
- Little Luxe Grooming Clowns of Chaos Nail Trims
- Pug Dogs gourmet hot dogs
- Airbrush Bish Face Painting
Carnevil Games for Kids:
- Tarantula Ring Toss
- Tombstone Tipover
- Schoen's Pet Adventure Lollipop Adventure
- Ready, Pup, Go! Rubber Ducky Roundup
- Brutus Bone Broth Tattoo Parlor
Carnevil Games for Dogs:
- Frederick Family Snacky Sniff
- Cake Walk (see event schedule)
Vendors & more!
Evergreen State Fairgrounds
Monroe, WA
$10 suggested entry donation (Children 5 and up $5)
* big top attractions not cover with entry donation