Safety in Numbers is an iterative performance and installation by Seattle-based artist Molly Vaughan. Hair has been a central theme in Vaughan’s work as both subject and material, and now the artist relies on the potency of the medium to act as a vehicle for social justice, as well as aesthetic beauty. Through installation, the artist creates a functional salon that sets the stage for performances where volunteers are invited to receive a haircut identical to the artist’s. This act of trans-allyship creates a cohort of clones, calling attention to the power of anonymity as a safety mechanism for marginalized individuals wishing to pass through society free from harassment. Vaughan segments the space by utilizing large panels with abstract designs based on places of personal importance. These printed panels, which she refers to as geographical biographies, are created from a variety of materials and intentionally shaped to distort viewers’ perception and spatial awareness.
The installation will be intermittently activated with events during the month of June, with an opening performance on June 2, 6 – 8pm. Visitors are welcome at any time during the performances or regular studio hours. No reservations required.
May 24 – June 1
Tuesday – Saturday (12 – 5pm)
Thursday, June 2 (6 – 8pm)
June 3 – July 2
Tuesday – Saturday (12 – 5pm)