Join us on Sept. 29 in Westlake Park for the kickoff of Sea Giant Skulls, a month-long art installation celebrating Día de los Muertos. This Latin American holiday honors the lives of lost loved ones, and we’re celebrating with six larger-than-life decorative skull art pieces. These colorful creations are sculpted by Mexican artist Hermes Arroyo and decorated with original artwork by Latinx designers.
The free kickoff party is on Sunday, Sept. 29 from noon-4 p.m., featuring live performances, mariachis, Catrina face painting, DJs and more. Celebration schedule:
• Noon: Catrinas and Catrines face painting begins
• 1–2 p.m.: Nahui Ollin Tezcatlipoca Aztec dancers
• 2–2:45 p.m.: Mexican ballet by Baile Folklore Colibri
• 3–4 p.m.: Ribbon cutting and Mariachi Monarcas (one hour performance)
After the celebration, the skulls will be on display from Sept. 30–Oct. 29 throughout downtown Seattle. From Oct. 31–Nov. 3 the skulls will be on display at Town Hall Seattle as part of the Catrinas Festival.
Sea Giant Skulls can be found in the following downtown parks and public spaces:
• 2+U
• Occidental Square
• Seattle Convention Center (both buildings)
• Van Vorst Plaza (Amazon campus)
• Westlake Park