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Seattle Aquarium Beach Naturalist at Seahurst Park

Calendar/Event Details

Stroll along almost any Seattle beach during low tide on a summer weekend and you'll see that the shore is alive! Not only will you witness Puget Sound's multitude of marine plants and animals, you'll also see beach naturalists: advocates for these living wonders sharing their knowledge with beachgoers.

Beach naturalists are local citizens who care about Puget Sound beaches and want to help protect them. More than 100 have volunteered to help people learn about and enjoy area shorelines. Beach naturalists know their beaches: they can help you enjoy the habitat without harming it; tell you what sea stars eat; explain why barnacles stand on their heads; describe how moon snails lay their eggs; and so much more.

Beach naturalists will be on the beach during select low tides, as conditions allow. Our teams will be wearing masks and staying 6’ apart to help keep our beaches safe.

Keep our beaches healthy for everyone by following these tips:

Practice physical distancing: stay 6’ apart from others.

Wear a face covering.

Keep it small. Groups larger than five people are considered unsafe at this time.

Stay home if you’re feeling sick or have a fever of 100.5 or higher.

Explore gently: low tide is stressful for many creatures.

Learn about our nearshore neighbors! Check out our Puget Sound Beach Field Guide. Ask a beach naturalist! Need help identifying something? Take a photo and email to us at A beach naturalist will respond to you as soon as we can.

Event Details