Spending time outdoors with your family is still important during Stay Home-Stay Healthy. Check out these self-guided adventures you can do while still observing these important safety measures.
More guidance from Washington on what it means to Stay Home-Stay Healthy.
Follow the simple step-by-step instructions; all you need is yourselves, the natural world around you, and maybe a writing utensil.
Available adventures:
The Three D’s: Discover how to sustainably collect cool natural materials and use them to build a temporary fairy house!
Creative with Colors: Explore natural art by making your own dyes and paints from the nature around you.
Identity Sculpture: What makes you, YOU? Create a temporary nature sculpture that tells your personal story.
Pattern Play: Observe patterns in the outdoors around you. Play a guessing game to search for what your friends and family have found.
Seed Extravaganza: Explore a variety of seeds all over the park! (best in fall)
Sensory Buffet: Can you identify items around you by touch? Taste? Smell? Sound? In this adventure, you and your friends will take turns collecting items to create a feast for the senses.
Squirrel Chase: In this adventure, we’ll practice being extra sneaky as we play a game of predator and prey along the trail.
Super Stewards: Let’s explore some of the signs of human presence in the park and discover how we can be a super park steward!
Tiny Trek: Come on the world’s tiniest trek to see what things we might be overlooking along the trails!