Something BIG is happening at the Burke! Last summer, Burke paleontologists discovered a Tyrannosaurus rex—including a 2,500-lb skull, only the 15th ever discovered. The skull came to the Burke wrapped in plaster to protect it, but now it's time for the big reveal.
Watch the process "live" in our new Testing, Testing 1-2-3 exhibit, as Burke paleontologists carefully expose the skull of this incredible, 66-million-year-old beast.
On Saturday and Sunday, August 12–13 at 11 a.m., 12:30 and 2 p.m. you can hear from members of the fossil preparation and excavation crews. We'll also have fun dinosaur crafts and activities for kids of all ages to feed their T. rex-sized creativity.
More and more of the skull will be exposed as Burke paleontologists work, so come back often to watch the progress! Membership at the Burke includes unlimited museum visits to see T. rex.
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