Shop for Lunar New Year items and support local small businesses at our Tết Market + view a lion dance at the start of the market! *FREE*
Bring our early Lunar New Year celebration to a close by shopping for Tết items at this market featuring local small businesses! Come by when the market opens at 10-10:30 a.m. to view a lion dance performance by Mak Fai Kung Fu and stay to support small businesses and participate in community engagement efforts for Little Saigon.
Admission is FREE for all ages! No RSVP required.
Vendors include:
- Ba+Mẹ Popup: Vietnamese home cooking and comfort dishes by chef Lisa Bi.
- Dragonfly Goods: Vietnamese vegan and gluten-free waffle mixes from the owners of Phin Coffee.
- Stephanie Mai Designs: art prints, stickers, and stationery items by artist and designer Stephanie Mai.
- Pistil and Pearl: Handmade jewelry from homegrown dried flowers by artist and designer Van Le.
Image sourced from event website.