Theater for Young Children shows are brought to you through a partnership between Sweet Pea Cottage Enterprises and Seattle Parks and Recreation. We will be performing free theater in your community centers during fall and winter. Check out our plays and performance locations below!
TALES FROM LATIN AMERICA, THE ARMADILLO’S SONG AND THE HALF CHICKEN – We invite children ages 2-6 and their families to enjoy a celebration of story through music as we bring to life these sweet and wacky folktales from central and south America. Featuring songs by Mondeto De Oro and Afrocubism as well as a Sesame Street favorite. Your toes will be tappin’, your chest will be giggling, and your mouth will be smiling.
Ballard CC 10/3 Wed 10 a.m. (Ballard Tot Gym will start after the performance around 10:45 a.m.)
Location: Loyal Heights CC 10/9 Tue 10 a.m.
Location: Green Lake CC 10/12 Fri 11:15 a.m.
Location: Bitter Lake CC 10/17 Wed 10:15 a.m.
Location: Belltown CC 11/8 Thu 10 a.m.