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Tokitae Memorial

Calendar/Event Details

free and family-friendly

On August 18, 2023 Tokitae, the last of the captured Southern Resident orcas, passed away at the Miami Seaquarium just as plans were underway to return her to a seapen in the Salish Sea. 

This Saturday, please join Tacoma student, Nateli Sanderson for a South Sound memorial for Tokitae. This event is sponsored by the Foss Waterway Seaport with support from Orca Network.

The event will include information and displays about Tokitae, presentations from Nateli, and Orca Network staff, opportunities for attendees to share memories and thoughts, plus a waterside ceremony to honor Tokitae and her family.

Museum access and memorial service event are free and family-friendly. Parking, food, and beverages are NOT included. 

Information on parking:
The new Pierce Transit Runner is a public transportation option for the Seaport. The Republic parking lot north of the Seaport is metered through the "flowbird" app. There is free street parking all along Dock St., and Thea's Park. You can also take transit to downtown Tacoma, and it's about an 8-minute walk down the 11th street bridge elevator and North to the Seaport.

Event Details