Play games of wilderness survival and forest stealth. Blend in with the forest, learning the ways of the wild. Seek out your Rangers Camp, a place where nature reveals the secrets of forest craft.
Become a tracker! Form your own trackers team! Explore, adventure and learn skills in each of our four Trackers Guilds: Rangers, Wilders, Mariners and Artisans.
Every day is an adventure. With Rangers, train in wilderness survival and archery. With Wilders, care for animals and forest gardens. With Mariners, go fishing and forage for wild plants. With Artisans, embark on an epic stealth quest and learn fine craft. While connecting with each Guild, also explore the Core Elements of Tracking, honing your awareness skills so you can track anything through the forest and wilderness.
This fun program travels by bus or van from Everest Park to local destination(s). Example locations include: Lake Sammamish State Park, OO Denny Park, Lake Roesiger Group Camp and River Ranch Camp.
For more information and to register, please visit the website below. Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. the Tuesday before the day of camp.
Dates: March 11 and May 27 (you can register for one or both)
Days: Friday
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Location: Pick-up and Drop-off at Everest Park
Ages: 5 - 11 (groups divided by age, 5–6, 7–8, and 9–11)