Do you find that you just don’t understand your child?
Do you complain about how ‘hard’ it is to parent your child? Or do you sigh with relief that your child is so ‘easy?’
Is your child too persistent? Not persistent enough?
Too energetic? Or maybe not enough?
Too dramatic with their emotions?
Cries too much or too hard?
Do you ever say, “Oh, s/he is just that way.” Or “Why isn’t my child more like me?”
We are all different.
Those differences are sometimes more noticeable in a family.
Just like in a Rubik’s cube.
A research-based study was done of the temperament traits that children are born with. What are these traits? Energy level, Distractibility, Adaptability, Persistence, Regularity, Sensitivity, First Response, Intensity, Mood. Other considerations include Introversion, Extroversion and more.
This parenting class will include a detailed description of these traits and will help you identify the traits found in your family. Similarities and differences can affect the relationship dynamics in your family, including how compatible family members are.
Learning about temperaments may help explain your child’s behavior. That understanding will help you find the best way to parent your child based upon his/her temperament traits.
This information will also help you and your child understand and navigate their school experience in the years to come.
Online resources will be provided.
Positive Discipline offers a WIN-WIN approach that makes for more effective parenting and more cooperative children. You will feel calmer and more confident during those difficult moments. This class will help you make your family life better.
We will meet on Zoom. This is a convenient way to meet. There is no commute, and you may not need a baby-sitter.
This class will provide a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment where you can ask questions and get answers in real-time as we go through the class content. This is a LIVE program; it is not recorded. There are lots of wonderful articles available online; however, it is just not the same as participating in a LIVE discussion.
The class will be facilitated by Jennifer Watanabe, a long-time parent educator and parent coach. She teaches/coaches in a respectful, non-judgmental, and encouraging way.
Resource for the class: Positive Discipline Workbook – either hard copy or e-version
The class registration fee is $20.
Wednesday, September 20 from 7-8 p.m.
Or Thursday, September 21 from 10-11 a.m.
Or Saturday, September 23 from 10-11 a.m.