2022 marks The 5th Avenue Theatre’s sixth year of proudly supporting the Kent School District’s Rally for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Each year, the rally is led by a team of passionate teen leaders and features musical performances, community speakers, and student reflections on the life, work, and legacy of Dr. King. This year, the rally will be presented by over 100 student performers and speakers for over 9,000 of their peers.
You are cordially invited to join us as the rally is rebroadcast for the public at 7pm on January 17. This year, more than ever, the words and teachings of Dr. King shine like a beacon. We hope that you will join us in remembering his work and the continuing struggle for liberty and justice for all people.
We also hope that you will join us to celebrate and honor the student leaders and performers who committed to mounting this year’s rally on a digital platform and despite an ongoing global pandemic.
All are welcome!