Parade streamers. Photo credit: Alpha Mom
Whether you’re joining a neighborhood parade, riding your bike around the block or just marching to your backyard picnic, show your spirit for the Fourth of July with these fun crafts.
Bike streamers
Got handlebars? Then it's all about Fourth of July streamers for your kiddos’ rides. Made from toilet-paper tubes, paint, stickers and curly-cued ribbon, these streamers by Alpha Mom are an easy project for the kids to gussy up their wheels in time for the parade.

Parade batons
Make and Takes has the perfect craft for all those junior drum majors and majorettes out there. These parade batons are made from paper tubes decorated with the ever-so-handy-crafting-MVP: duct tape. Set out the supplies, and let the kids personalize their own batons with stars, stripes and colorful tassels.
Cardboard rockets
Paper towel rolls turn patriotic with this cardboard rocket idea by Crafting Therapy. Top your rockets with pointy paper hats, decorate with colorful designs and finish with looped ribbon tails. This is a great way to use up all of the scrap materials shuffling around your box o' crafts. String 'em from your bikes, trikes and wagons for the Fourth of July block party.
Happy helmets
Put safety first this Fourth of July, and let the kids decorate their bike helmets using this idea by Flour Power as an example. Simply twist some festive pipe cleaners and stars onto whatever real estate you can find — helmets, straps, handlebars and training wheels. All is fair game for parade pizazz!
Shields and streamers
So, we kinda want to decorate our adult-sized bikes after seeing this inspirational Fourth of July bike decor by Inchmark. Crepe streamers are woven through the wheels and wrapped around the frame, cardboard shields are decorated with stars and stripes and handlebar streamers galore. Watch out! The whole family will be ready to roll.
Fourth of July noisemaker
Who says those mini jingle bells have to stay in hibernation until the holidays? We love this idea for a Fourth of July noisemaker by Family Chic. Tiny bells are attached to slotted wooden spoons and adorned with strips of patriotic fabric. The neighbors will know your family's parade is coming from blocks away!
Editor’s note: This article was originally published several years ago and updated most recently in 2023.