25 Best-Selling Toys Recommended by Local Toy Stores
Ages 8–12
Go Nuts for Donuts by Gamewright, recommended by Meeples Games. Victory is sweet as players collect crullers and glazed doughnuts while playing this card game. $15
Santorini by Spin Master, recommended by Blue Highway Games. This mythic game celebrates the island of Santorini. $29.99
Dragonwood by Gamewright, recommended by Blue Highway Games and Meeples Games. This Mensa Select pick is a game of dice and daring that both kids and adults love to play. $14.99
Kingdomino by Blue Orange Games, recommended by Blue Highway Games. In this game, winner of a German “Game of the Year” award, each player builds a kingdom using domino-style pieces. $21.99
Labyrinth by Ravensburger, recommended by Blue Highway Games and Meeples Games. Players move around the shifting paths of the labyrinth in a race to collect various treasures during this slightly abstract maze game. $31.99
GraviTrax Starter Set by Ravensburger, recommended by Snapdoodle Toys and Magic Mouse. With this modern mouse-trap game, players design and build their own three-dimensional marble runs and experiment with gravity, magnetism and kinetics. $59.99