Do your kids possess this valuable life skill?
Girl-power picks for family movie night
One mom’s journey and discovery of what truly matters
Seattle Children's experts discuss how best to support struggling teens
A local mom’s guide to salons and barbers that are perfect for your child’s kinky, curly tresses
Everything families need to know about how KEXP is making sure that music matters to the next generation
Stop the eye roll with simulated flights, concerts and a wildly unconventional sport worth trying
Wild and mild thrills and chills with kids
Strategies from a parenting scholar on how to shift out of tween mode and raise capable kids
The youth mental health crisis and learning loss fuel demand for clear phone policies
Ignite meaningful family and classroom discussions with these powerful short videos
Get those kids off their phones and out of the house this summer
It’s only July — don’t talk to me about ‘back to school’
There's more to it than meets the eye
Our Seattle-area high school reporter talked with youth around the world and uncovered the surprising answer.
New recommendations aim to mitigate youth anxiety and depression crisis
What to read with kids during Pride Month (and every month)
A mom remembers the magic and mischief of summers in the wild
Lean what to say from the experts at Seattle Children’s Hospital
Choreograph your BTS routines to be in step with these expert tips
Where to take the kids to an old-school drive-in movie
How to help your kid find a summer job
From convenient tech to cozy comforts, celebrate your grad with these gift ideas
Planet Fitness gyms offer free summer memberships to teens
The Upside Down comes to Seattle
6 tips to make those first days a success
Shoot fun photos for your followers at unique Seattle-area landmarks
Is this new interactive art attraction worth it for families?
All-ages fun with a hoppin’ vibe!
How to help your teen cut out the waste and live more sustainably
Be the screen-time superhero your kid needs
Female-focused camps and activities to learn about science, technology, engineering and math
Black History is American History every month of the year
Check out 2022's most popular books for teens
How to start a conversation about mental health with your teen
This beloved show is back in Seattle this summer
Is this powerful, heartwarming show right for kids?
Best tips for Harry Potter World, thrilling rides, the studio tour and more
Tools for helping kids understand and deal with their body's natural alarm system
Seattle-area destinations that will wow your hard-to-impress kid
Local teens make change happen
Local young change-makers inspire us in the present — and give us hope for the future
This advice from a parent who's been there actually works
Here’s what parents need to know
Local youth-led organization promotes positivity through everyday acts of selflessness
Volunteering and leadership programs that make an impact
This new pediatric sleep medicine program is one of the best in the nation
Tips for talking to your kids about drugs and alcohol
Talk shoulder to shoulder in the beauty of the wilderness
Local nonprofit teaches more than just music
Tips for playing and where to go around Seattle
How to navigate the often-confusing college savings landscape
Using social media for connection not comparison
Practical tips for handling the hurt
A parenting expert on dealing with tween and teen drama
10 spine-tingling titles to watch with tweens and teens
Is my child going to have mental health problems when they return to school?
How parents can help promote resiliency and flexibility in their students
Meet Rhea Kulkarni
Enrichment programs offer academic advantages
How to build trust, understanding and affection with your teen
A (non-expert) dad weighs in on this hot debate
Read them together or share them with your kid
10 tips for promoting healthy and safe digital relationships
Help your teen get their sleep back on track
A local mom on how the last year has clarified what’s important
Awesome new books for kids of every age
Rules of the road for kids and cell phones
Local sex educators offer tips and resources
Your questions about your teen's orthodontics answered
Classic ’80s films with great stories and discussable, relatable scenarios
Meet Chayton Remle
Local toy store owners weigh in
This dynamic duo cofounded a mentorship org to promote diversity in the arts for teens of color
Top 5 ballot tips to make sure your teen’s ballot is counted
A Q&A with an Olympia mom about her family's experience
Meet Sophia Lin
Getting started might be scary, but it’s not hard
Seattle’s 2020–21 Youth Poet Laureate’s work reclaims a sense of home, identity
Fresh and funny presentation appeals to families and kids
How to lead the conversation and create a safe zone at home
Helping your teen have a clear outlook on their skin, confidence and beyond
It Starts With You(th): Meet Cameron Davis
Tips and talking points for parents
Growing up is hard to do and music brings instant relief
This teen author explores the experiences of students of color in Seattle schools
How to support your teen's mental health amidst social isolation and loneliness
Effective parenting melds authoritative discipline with fairness — here's how to do it
Ten ideas for creating a private space for teletherapy in your home
Tips for keeping teens safe during this challenging time
Because sometimes you run out of batteries
What Washington families can do outdoors
How to tell if your teen needs help
These graphic novels will jump start your child's reading
Why teens don't sleep enough, and how to help
Hint: Don't tie chores to allowance
Screen-free, educational and cool
Cosplay, comics, science fiction and fantasy — geek out with your kids at these awesome cons
Navigating young love with your tween or teen
We went straight to the source to find out
This inspiring youth is working to help restore the health and safety of her community
‘N’ is for negotiating skills
What 2019 research says about teens, tweens and their phones
Resources to help nurture responsible digital citizens
This Bellevue student believes big change starts with small actions
Social media features you need to look out for
New Gates Foundation exhibit amplifies the work of activist youth
They'll be happier for it and so will you
An SEL expert shares the benefits of teaching our teens these skills
An interview with Paul Tough
Visit a spotlight of the inspiring stories and accomplishments of young human and environmental rights leaders
They'll be saying "Just one more page!" in no time
Respond to rudeness and bad behavior without losing your cool
One-of-a-kind show with a surprise for the audience
A Q & A with Paula Becker, author of ‘A House on Stilts: Mothering in the Age of Opioid Addiction’
Ian Price and Zoe Schurman dedicate their Fridays to the future aims to end teen suicide by 2030
Increasing digital access and opportunity for Seattle-area kids
One mom’s defense of the value of moving on
A mom reflects on her daughter leaving home
Be prepared for back-to-school
Does your teen know these essential life skills?
How to navigate cell phones, privacy and screen time as parents
When two adopted teens couldn’t find the support network they needed, they created it
Hopper’s final words to Eleven capture the wisdom of raising teens
It's a bigger issue than you think
"If you want to stand out, work.”
Engery-zapping indoor play spot for tots to teens
Laura Kastner, Ph.D., offers this advice
Bothell youth Deepthi Chandra has a website for that
And parents' creative solutions to keeping kids unplugged
Meet Aarushi Sahai
The best iPhone, iPad and Android science apps for all ages
Meet Mario Falit-Baiamonte
Meet Ben Wahl
What you need to know about the show’s mature content
As-seen-on-TV magic helps me feed my family
At least, not so much
A father reflects on his increasingly independent daughter
Meet Yubi Mamiya
A Q&A with Martha Brockenbrough
Meet Cielo Martinez
Talking about depression as a family
You need these tips
3 tips for raising kids who understand what they're seeing
How this mom had to rethink Halloween when her kids went solo
Forward this to your teen.
A Seattle student on making change happen
9 ways to keep them active anyway
Raising kids with bodily autonomy in the #MeToo era
Plus, volunteering ideas to inspire the whole family
And how your teen can make change, too
Yes, it's almost time. Are you prepared?
How local teens can make change happen
The reminder we all need when parenting a tween
Plus, a list of ideas for age-appropriate chores
Would you say yes?
And for parents, too
"It’s not like you can say no when there are a hundred of your peers watching in the lunchroom."
Draft up a family tech contract before summer break begins
And should you let your kid join in?
"If God made me, why is it wrong to have a body?”
"Stitch this on a sampler and put it where you can see it."
Scilla Andreen of "Angst" shares what makes the movie so special
And how the Gates Foundation is helping
It'll pay off.
"Maybe it's supposed to feel like her body is still being wrenched from mine."
Consider this arts option that's all about less stress
Encourage caring and generous kids with these ideas
Learn about Tai McMillan's work
High school students roll up their sleeves during the summer
Treehouse’s Driver’s Assistance program
Details on the March 24 event
Immersive exhibit connects the life of Anne Frank to stories of young people today
A mother comes to terms with her daughter's decision
The Seattle author takes the stage on April 15
The 'helper's high' teens get from leading
In the #MeToo era, these '80s movies feel outdated — but ripe for conversation with kids
Here's how
Mayor Jenny Durkan invites families to a town hall on March 8
Sleep solutions for modern families
What we can learn in Washington State
Your post-kid financial checklist
You can talk about your kid's weight without shame
The first step toward resisting the pull of digital products
Help this up-and-coming generation embrace adulthood
8 tips for planning a rich summer
Get the inside scoop on counselors-in-training
Fun, challenging options perfect for your tween or teen
Join us for a Facebook Live with the bestselling author
From Feb. 5–9, Seattle teachers invite families to participate in a national movement
And how to talk to them if they are
The Broadway show offers a digital lottery
Don’t wait until they’re a teen to have this talk
Expert tips for keeping kids safe from online challenges
Seize the summer with these exciting activities
What we can do about it
A new survey shows a surprising gap between perception and reality
This tween put weighted blankets to the test
Teens take action at Gates
Don’t wait for this conversation, say medical and parenting pros
Look beyond the academics to prepare your high-school senior for college
"I'm the most church-going atheist my friends have ever known."
Take your own to see this heartbreaking but hilarious play
Five tips for discussing mature current events with little kids
Maximize the teen years with these pro tips
As parents we might not be ready to talk about sexual harassment and assault — but we need to be
Bullying is expected but not like this
Movements like #MeToo aren't enough when victims are still forced to endure abuse by the justice system
When you're sick of hearing 'but all my friends have phones!'
Act now for a chance to see the blockbuster show
Talk to your student about debt in a way they'll understand
Celeb mom Jenna Dewan Tatum draws fire for sharing a lingerie shot
Social media is here to stay but at what cost?
How much is too much?
Help your night-owl teens rise and shine
Teaching your child the power of action
Seriously, have you ever had as much fun as they're having?
“Did you hear that man?”
Bike or walk through a mountainside on the Iron Horse rail trail
Win a pair of tickets to this world premiere musical at The 5th Avenue Theatre
One word: hormones
Uber launches family program in Seattle
A junior in high school shares her advice
Gender isn't always simple (and that's worth celebrating)
How do we keep kids from the temptation of pot-laced treats?
Embracing failure as a kid can help foster success in adulthood
Brain development expert Dr. Linda Chamberlain shares insights
Experts say teens are more at risk than parents think
New collection systems help you keep potentially deadly opioids away from kids
Find time for fitness no matter your child's age
How to navigate the reality of a sexually active teen
Teen + driver's license = new worries, new rules and lessons in letting go
Digital citizenship expert Devorah Heitner shares how to raise digital natives
A daughter's confession inspires a mother to change
Navigating college admissions in the age of social media
Use these changes to the admissions process to your teen's advantage
Do your kids know how to manage money?
What does lower teen pregnancy rates? Contraceptives
Help your tween or teenage daughter help herself
Here's what you need to know about the gap year trend
An educational psychologist shares the secrets of the teenage brain
50 cool kids make their on-screen debut
They're essential, yet many schools lack them
How to help your middle schooler
Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise among
Recent high school graduate Nick Rubin talks about his political financing app
Terrified by the thought of your kid going for a spin? Tech to the rescue
Jo Langford offers this advice
Author Nancy Jo Sales discusses her new book, 'American Girls'
The author shares the seven transitions teen girls go through as they enter into adulthood
Let go of your fears and misconceptions about sex — here's what you need to know about the widely available vaccine for HPV that is free to many youths
Is your teen genetically predisposed to a disease?
What schools are (and aren’t) teaching kids
Everything you need to know about college savings.
Bleachbear juggles music, school and life in a family band
Entering womanhood? Try an app for that
Try giving your teen one of these books
Seattle parenting lecture on internet safety for kids
Sew, forge, fix, carve, paint, animate and create
While girls thrive under the global 'girl power' trend, boys are not getting the support they need and are falling behind academically and emotionally
One teen shares her thoughts on why she won't be using Facebook, Twitter or Instagram anytime soon
By Laura S. Kastner, Ph.D. with Kristen A. Russell