Expectant and new parents, this section’s for you. From life-saving gear to outings that’ll do the whole family good, Crib Notes is your emergency kit to make it through.
Sleep? It’s possible
Q: My 2-month-old seems to nurse all night long. Help!
A: During the first two months of life, babies may nurse every 15 to 60 minutes, particularly from around 8 p.m. to midnight. This feeding may feel constant, but it allows baby to take advantage of Mom’s nursing hormones that peak at night, boosting bonding during a time when you aren’t distracted by work or other children. It also transmits melatonin to the baby via breastmilk, which paves the way for more regular sleep patterns in the coming months.
During these early months, sleeping close to baby can help minimize sleep disruption; the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends putting baby to sleep in a separate crib in the parents’ bedroom. Napping while baby naps during the day can help new moms feel rested enough to function. Take heart — this temporary phase will soon be a distant memory.
Sleep on,
Malia Jacobson
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Find your village
Being a new parent can be really isolating, but baby, we’ve got your back. Sign up for our weekly eNews for the best in outings advice ‘cause parenting is a trip!
We’re loving these modified toy cars from Oregon State University. They pack a one-two punch: Kids with disabilities get to have fun and move around independently.
One design encourages the driver to stand; the other uses a pitching machine to throw foam balls. Both help kids develop physical and motor skills. Bonus: Research shows that the children who use them interact more with their peers.
Can we get a ride?
Get out of the house
If you have a baby with special needs, leaving the security of home might see more work than it’s worth. But give one of these special outings a try. On our list: Seattle Children’s Playgarden, sensory storytimes and Snohomish County’s first universally accessible park. Get out there.
Gear we’re gaga about
Gadgets and gizmos perfect for that baby shower registry
- Make breastfeeding fun-nel: OK, we know this thing looks weird but no bottles hanging around sounds pretty great to us. Developed by a physician and mom of three, the Freemie allows you to collect breast milk with your shirt on, hands-free.
- Smile for the camera: Make a montage of your child’s early years? There’s an app for that. Add a photo, two- to three-second video and a selfie of your baby everyday to MyBabyMy and soon enough you’ve got a movie worth sharing. The calendar function is pretty handy, too.
- An app that tracks contractions: Meet Bloomlife, a smartphone app that allows moms to track and record contractions (even those they may not feel!). Everything you never knew you wanted to know about uterine activity, from frequency and duration to patterns and trends.