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8 Ways to Have More Fun as a Family

Print out this list and put it on the fridge! You'll want to save these ideas

Jessica Graham

Published on: June 30, 2017

family fun

Make up a family dance move. Bust it out in public.

Celebrate the minor holidays, too. Make shadow puppets on Groundhog Day. Collect leaves on the first day of fall. Have fun!

Read silly stories together. And give each character a different voice.

Make a mistake — on purpose. Put your socks on your ears. Talk into your water bottle instead of your phone. Kids love it when adults mess up.

Move bedtime up by 15 minutes. Let your child stay up “later” for dedicated one-on-one time. (Particularly great if you have multiple kids!)

Put jokes in lunches. Q: Where do monkeys like to work out? A: The jungle gym.

Keep a book in the car. If you manage to get somewhere even just a few minutes early, read aloud.

Tell your kids the story of when they were born. Be prepared to repeat this one.

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